Thursday, June 26, 2008


This is a test to see if the video works.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well the plan is to get everything connected at this point.

Youtube-->my blog-->site to purchase my work.

I can express myself on youtube, continue explaining no budget digital on my blog, and hopefully get someone interested in buying my work off of one of the other sites.

My airplane footage about "feel an airplane take off" on has about 200 hits in 2 days so far.

I also wrote 3 more pages of my digital film I'm working on and met with one of my lead actors to discuss it. He said he needed more preparation time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Mistakes Yesterday I made some typos even though I proof-read the thing so many times. But I think you guys got the idea.

Right now I'm trying to connect video to my blog with the help of the help center on this site. I just posted a video to which promises to pay for videos hits after 20,000 hits if your material is original and appropriate. Right now my goal is to get everything connected by links so that someone watching on or can come to my site and at least see my work and hopefully buy my work.

Basically I have to get everything connected right now, once I do, I let you guys in on how I did it.

More later,Paul

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My own blog

Hello everyone! This is my very own blog!

I've been thinking about starting one for a long time, but just thought it would be too much work to get started, however this site has allowed me to create one in the matter of a half-an-hour. Amazing! I choose a template and I was ready to go.

My blog is about "NO BUDGET DIGITAL" filmmaking. I have been making my very own music videos and short videos for about 10 years now. The technology is such now that I can afford to do what I always wanted to do with the medium of visual arts. I don't know who it was, but someone once said, "Filmmaking will not be a true art form until the tools to create it are not as cheap as a pencil and paper." I think with the digital age that day is here!

I plan to use this site to help others and help myself. I can help others by posting to my blog my videos and how I got them made. Meanwhile, I have discovered sites that allow artists such as myself to sell their work through their sites. Therefore, hopefully helping myself by making some money so that I can do this full time someday.

Right now the plan is to finish settting up this blog with the connection to youtube videos, so that I can link it all up and get my work out there.

Talk to you soon,